Hi! We just reached 500 podcast episodes (this being 501), as produced by me, Jason Klamm – including Comedy on Vinyl, Dan and Jay’s Comedy Hour and Dispatches from Fort Awesome. I’m very proud of this, so I grabbed my buddy Alex Salem at the last minute to help me celebrate. […]
Dispatches from Fort Awesome Episode 5 – Big Day
Big Day! with special guest, Alex Salem. Also, now we have mugs and such here!: http://www.cafepress.com/newsradiopodcast https://www.stolendress.com/newsradio/podcast_episodes/DFFA_005.mp3
Comedy on Vinyl Podcast Episode 137 – Alex Salem on The First Family
How has it taken this long to get to what might be the most famous comedy album of all time? Simple: not one guest has requested it. So this week, we start changing the format up. Starting soon, we’re going to be giving guests who don’t have an album in mind, or who pick a CD or a cassette,
View Original Post and Listen to Episode Here: http://goo.gl/yw4yBr
Comedy on Vinyl Podcast Episode 100 – Matt Lieberman Interviews Jason about his 1999 album Shoestrings – with Guests James Urbaniak and Alex Salem
Matt Lieberman (Sourcefed, Afterbuzz, friend of the show) made the kind offer to interview me for our hundredth episode. I assumed that meant “talk about my collection,” when what Matt had in mind was much more sinister – he wanted me to talk about my own comedy album from 1999. Talk about m …
View Original Post at ComedyOnVinyl.com (via The Comedy on Vinyl Podcast)