9 AM: Selling of raffle tickets, music begins and photo booth starts up

10:00: Costume contest #1

10:30: Raffle #1

11:00: Prop Contest #1 – Bring your props, too!

11:30: Raffle #2

12:00: Trivia Contest #1

12:30: Raffle #3

1:00: Hoverboard Decorating Contest – We bring the hoverboards, you decorate them and get your picture taken with them

1:30: Raffle #4

2:00: Karaoke

2:30: Raffle #5

3:00: Trivia Contest #2

3:30: Minor Strut Plays Set #1

4:00: Costume / Prop Contests #2

4:30: Minor Strut Plays Set #2

5:00: Final Raffle – Movie tickets for the Noon, 10/22 premiere of the documentary Back In Time!

5:30-6:00: Closing Ceremony / Final Group Photo

Raffle tickets will be available throughout the day and are $1 each. All proceeds go to TeamFox, so the more tickets you buy, the better chance you have to win, and the more you’re giving to charity. And the Clock Tower.*

There will be limited amounts of free bottles of water and apple slices, donated kindly by Burger King. Even though the BK is under renovation, they’re STILL hosting us, because they’re awesome. When you get really hungry, stop by Pizza Rev Burbank and 20% of what you buy will go to TeamFox.

Prizes for contests will include special event-only Million McFly March Logo t-shirts, McFly Family photos, Million McFly March posters and other items.

Download a PDF of this schedule here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B18JxW8yhSMJRVRxQnZCdmNBM3M

*Not really going to the non-existent clock tower, if you were wondering.
